Around the island tour with Solomon, Lesley, and my brother Booking

Since we came back from DOULOS, Solomon, Lesley and I had planned this trip. It is more like our "graduation tour" of OMTW. We just wanna share our stories to those who are willing to know more about missions and testimonies around the world. Booking, my brother, just came back from Beijing two days before the tour. I invited him to join us. He was the AV man and a good company on the way.

"What if we don't have audience?" I asked this based on past experience.

Solomon had a perfect answer."We will still do it, even there are only two people"

this was the Taipei meeting at CEF 2F. It was a great evening.

Well, unfortunately, he was right about it. After our first two meetings in Keelung and Taipei. We felt like.... it wasn't too bad. We headed down south.
There was only one person coming to the meeting in Taichung! And she was the reporter from Christian Tribune. So, literally, there was nobody.

Well, God is humorous. In Tainan, apparently the Pastor forgot to tell the staff to book the venue for us. So, we basically forced to use the main assembly hall. Well, there were about 20 people in a 600+ seats room. You do the math. But it was great to spend time with Lydia Choo's parents.

Booking and I in front of the cross.

In Kaohsiung, we had two meetings in two days. it was great to share my story with the highschoolers. Well, that meeting we got the most audience of all. However, it wasn't our meeting. it was CEF Kaohsiung's high school ministry. I was invited. Ha.

The best part of the Trip must be the Taitung/Hualien trip. We had met great hosts and amazing sights. When we were all tired and getting irritated, God sent some angels like mentors to encourage us. Dr. Chen's and Pastor Jammie Taylor's family had been there for us.

The tour was ok. God knows our hearts. We all had done better ones before. And surely we can do better if we had tried harder...

However, it was the last time for Solomon, Lesley, and I had a chance to bound with one another. I surely will miss them. We had been there, done that.

check the complete report in Chinese :

PS: it is very funny and dramatic.


Unknown said…
Hey, Mom, I was in that photo!!!

好吧, 英文程度不太好....接下來只好用中文。

我是個國中老師, 當天會去的原因有兩個,
第一是看完一步一腳印對忠僕號的介紹後, 對這艘船及這些人的故事感到好奇。
第二則是因為我有個學生家庭是有信仰的, 正好他又剛考完基測, 所以請家長帶他來聽別人的經歷。

不過我本身沒有信仰, 但不重要, 因為你們的分享真的很棒, 那並不影響到那份感動的形成。

我想說的是, 加油, Keep going!!
期待你們更多的故事, 也期待您的新書。

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