A week in Auckland new Zealand
after a few minutes waiting at the quay side next to the Hilton Hotel, I saw my "other home" coming towards the shore.
The welcome party was awesome as usual. There was a Maori high school choir doing the "Haka" dance. Captain recieved the greeting gladly.
"Why are you back?" "How long you will be here?" these are the two most common questions asked.
Well, I just want to take a break and spend some time with old friends, even I don't really have that many on board now. However, it was still great to chill a bit, involved in E days, talking to old friends, properly saying goodbye to some, and getting to know some new faces.
Meanwhile, I am still busy with the arrangements regarding the short term team coming to Taiwan and also the articles i was working on. it's all good, especially after watching the biggest comeback in NBA history (Finals game 4) at a local sports bar.