Much doing about nothing

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.
Spanish Proverb

People had asked me what you are doing in the States after DOULOS. My official answer was always been ... traveling, visiting friends, relatives, and supportors, and resting a bit.

But most of all, I tried to do "nothing".

No rush schedule from this one to next. No fixed plan for tomorrow. No commitment for another meeting. After 5 years on board DOULOS, a ship called "Slave" or "Servant", I had been always available for all kinds of invitations and challenges. Entertaining hundreds of school kids, preaching in a prison, being ready for the next interview in 10 minutes, on call the whole day for the first lady, the list can go on and on.
Why not staying in Taiwan? Are you kidding me? I had done my furlough twice back home in the last two years. These were the most intensive moments of my ministry. I traveled around the island and spoke in various occasions. Not mentioning the wonderful invitation for meals one after another, I also have to deal with my weight management (apparently not working). I can honestly said the blessing was overwhelming. Nevertheless, what I really need is to be away and relflect, debrief, and "digest".

"Doing nothing" is really not as easy as it sounds, like Jerry Seinfield said. Last cuple of days, I had been doing sharing two of the biggest Taiwanese/Chinese churches at the East coast. Especially the sharing in the RCCC mission fellowship, it was like a big fat sermon for 2 hours. (I prepared until 1AM that morning.) Thankfully, they loved it and I really enjoyed doing that. (Don't get me wrong, I love to share.) However, on our way back to Queens, i felt into asleep on the car.

Well, Jesus falled in asleep in the boat during the storm.

So my ideal day is like this. No alarm clock, no schedule for the morning except for brunch, visiting a museum or a bookstore (but it is ok to change my mind on the way),dinner with myself in a posh restaurant before heading to Brooklyn Tabernacle prayer night or a movie and then...

wait a minute, did i just planed the whole day for tomorrow?


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